Dear Trades Professional,
If you are anything like me, I occasionally catch myself reminiscing about the early days of business when my enthusiasm and energy levels were over the top! I was going to show this world how skilled I was and nothing or no one was going to get in my way.
However, there was one unforeseen thing I overlooked that did get in my way… the lack of predictable customers entering into my business... totally blindsided me.
Sure, I had a few customers here and there. But the flow of leads into my business were erratic and random at best.
But what I quickly discovered is that I was not alone. Not by a long shot! After spending time in multiple industries, I discovered that the lack of a consistent flow of leads into a business was the number one frustration business owners all suffered from.
And that fact became even more magnified as I started building websites for the trades industry.
So I made a commitment years ago to take all of what I had learned in my 30+ years of web and marketing and focus my efforts within the trades industry. I could see there was a lot of money being left on the table and my goal is to get as much of that sloshing money and get it into your pockets!
The very first trades client I helped with a website has received over 850 plus leads though a simple form on his website... in just the last 30 months! and that doesn't even count the phone calls he has received!
It’s not really about how much you make in your trades business. Yes, it’s important. I get that. But it is INFINITELY more important about HOW you make that money.
I was told once that there are a lot of ways to be right. And I know that to be true. But on the flip side of that, there is a smart way to make exceptional income and then there is the drudgery most businesses deal with everyday.
Look, you can continue using a hammer and nails to frame up a house. OR… you can buck-up and invest in a nail gun and get to the end result faster and with a hell of a lot less work.
And here is the key part… when you deposit those checks into your bank account, the bank could care less whether you earned it the hard way or the easy way. It all spends the same way. So at the end of the day, you need to decide how you want that money to flow into your wallet.
That’s what I do here at The Trades Person. I create killer websites, direct response marketing training programs, coaching, client nurturing and referral systems… everything you need to create a steady stream of better and more profitable clients flowing into your business.
And all without working so damn hard to get there.
My goal is to help you get everything out of your trades business that you dreamed about when you first started!
Hope to hear from you..